cost_df = read.csv("data/medical_cost_clean.csv") %>% 
    sex = as.factor(sex),
    smoker = as.factor(smoker),
    children_group = as.factor(children_group)

In order to understand the amount of insurance price change due to smoking, along with other personal factors such age, sex, weight and whether or not having children, regression model need to be build and analysed. The model would also be useful to predict insurance price.

A snapshot of the vairables

Variable meanings

var <- c("smoker", "children_group", "sex", "age", "bmi", "charges")

var_meaning <- c("0 = non-smoker, 1 = smoker", "0 = No children, 1 = Have at least 1 child", "1 = male, 2 = female", "Age range from 18 to 63", "Body mass index range from 15.96 to 53.13", "Cost of health insurance")

var_info <- data.frame(var, var_meaning) %>% 
    "Variable name" = var,
    "Variable information" = var_meaning
Variable name Variable information
smoker 0 = non-smoker, 1 = smoker
children_group 0 = No children, 1 = Have at least 1 child
sex 1 = male, 2 = female
age Age range from 18 to 63
bmi Body mass index range from 15.96 to 53.13
charges Cost of health insurance

1. Relationship between each variables and charge of insurance

Smoker and insurance charges

cost_df_smoker = 
  cost_df %>%
    smoker = fct_recode(
      "Smoker" = "1",
      "Non smoker" = "0"
smoker_plotly <- cost_df_smoker %>% 
    x = ~smoker,
    y = ~charges,
    split = ~smoker,
    type = 'violin',
    box = list(
      visible = T
    meanline = list(
      visible = T

smoker_plotly <- smoker_plotly %>%
    xaxis = list(
      title = "smokeing status"
    yaxis = list(
      title = "Insurance charges",
      zeroline = F
    legend=list(title=list(text='<b> Smokering Status </b>'))


Having children and insurance charges

cost_df_child = 
  cost_df %>%
    children_group = fct_recode(
      "Having at least one child" = "1",
      "No children" = "0"
child_plotly <- cost_df_child %>% 
    x = ~children_group,
    y = ~charges,
    split = ~children_group,
    type = 'violin',
    box = list(
      visible = T
    meanline = list(
      visible = T

child_plotly <- child_plotly %>%
    xaxis = list(
      title = "Whether or not having children"
    yaxis = list(
      title = "Insurance charges",
      zeroline = F
    legend=list(title=list(text='<b> Whether or not having children </b>'))


Gender and insurance charges

cost_df_sex = 
  cost_df %>%
    sex = fct_recode(
      "Male" = "1",
      "Female" = "2"
sex_plotly <- cost_df_sex %>% 
    x = ~sex,
    y = ~charges,
    split = ~sex,
    type = 'violin',
    box = list(
      visible = T
    meanline = list(
      visible = T

sex_plotly <- sex_plotly %>%
    xaxis = list(
      title = "Gender"
    yaxis = list(
      title = "Insurance charges",
      zeroline = F
    ) ,
    legend=list(title=list(text='<b> Gender </b>'))


Age and insurance charges

age_fit <- lm(charges ~ age, data = cost_df)

age_plotly <- plot_ly(
  x = ~age, 
  y = ~charges,
  color = ~age,
  size = ~age,
  name = ""
  ) %>% 
  add_markers(y = ~charges) %>% 
  add_lines(x = ~age, y = fitted(age_fit), color = "") %>% 
   showlegend = FALSE


BMI and insurance charges

bmi_fit <- lm(charges ~ bmi, data = cost_df)

bmi_plotly <- plot_ly(
  x = ~bmi, 
  y = ~charges,
  color = ~bmi, 
  size = ~bmi,
  name = ""
  ) %>% 
  add_markers(y = ~charges) %>% 
  add_lines(x = ~bmi, y = fitted(bmi_fit), color = "") %>% 
  layout(showlegend = FALSE)


From the five plots above, we can tell that smoking, age, and bmi significantly affect charge of insurance. The relationship between charges and gender or having children is unclear. Further analysis will be carried below to illustrate their relationships.

2. Model selection

Correlation plot

cost_df_cor = cost_df %>% 
  dplyr::select(age, sex, bmi, smoker, charges, children_group)

model.matrix(~0+., data = cost_df_cor) %>% 
  cor(use="pairwise.complete.obs") %>% 
  ggcorrplot(show.diag = F, type="lower", lab=TRUE, lab_size=2)

There is no collinearity between any of the variables. Therefore, no need to adjust variable for model building. In addition, smoking seems to be the highest correlated variable to charges among other variables.

Fit regression using all predictors

model <- lm(charges ~ smoker + children_group + sex + age + bmi, data = cost_df)
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -12225.0034 970.40293 -12.5978633 0.0000000
smoker1 23822.2843 413.01074 57.6795754 0.0000000
children_group1 992.5886 336.10888 2.9531757 0.0032004
sex2 123.6608 333.73639 0.3705345 0.7110432
age 257.8266 11.91998 21.6297878 0.0000000
bmi 322.2230 27.45121 11.7380271 0.0000000

The model building result shows that sex is not a significant variable with p-value < 0.05. Therefore, when we do the stepwise regression, we would likely to remove the variable of sex.

Stepwise regression

step = step(model, direction='both')
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -12149.6071 948.52261 -12.808980 0.000000
smoker1 23810.7572 411.70416 57.834629 0.000000
children_group1 990.7412 335.96313 2.948958 0.003244
age 257.9366 11.91243 21.652729 0.000000
bmi 321.7303 27.41011 11.737652 0.000000

The stepwise regression process confirms that sex is not significant variable. Therefore we remove sex variable and retain all other variables for prediction model.

Final model with significant variables

model1 <- lm(charges ~ smoker + children_group + age + bmi, data = cost_df)
summary(model1) %>% 
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -12149.6071 948.52261 -12.808980 0.000000
smoker1 23810.7572 411.70416 57.834629 0.000000
children_group1 990.7412 335.96313 2.948958 0.003244
age 257.9366 11.91243 21.652729 0.000000
bmi 321.7303 27.41011 11.737652 0.000000

3. Model diagnostic

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

The graph above did not show homoscedasticity of residual. Therefore, we need to transform the model.

4. Model transformation

Box-Cox Transformation

par(mfrow = c(1,2))

boxcox(model1, lambda = seq(-3, 3, by = 0.25)) 

plot(model1, which = 4) # remove 544, 578, 1301

cost_df_out = cost_df[-c(544,578, 1301),]

Since lamda = 0, try natural log transformation.

Before transformation, remove outliers first

The outliers are rows 544, 578, 1301. Following model building will use dataset without these outliers.

Transform charges to ln(charges)

cost_df_log = cost_df_out %>% 
    Lncharges = log(charges)

# fit multivariate model with log transform
model_log = lm(Lncharges ~ smoker + children_group + age + bmi, data = cost_df_log) 
summary(model_log) %>% 
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 6.9709701 0.0706776 98.630532 0e+00
smoker1 1.5370576 0.0307293 50.019359 0e+00
children_group1 0.2263090 0.0250004 9.052215 0e+00
age 0.0347807 0.0008857 39.268460 0e+00
bmi 0.0103985 0.0020435 5.088614 4e-07

Above table shows the estimates for each variables when charges is transformed to In(charges).

Diagnostic for transformed model

par(mfrow = c(1,2))


plot(model_log, which = 1)

Lamda is near 1 now, and the residual distribution improved from un-transformed data. We conclude this model is acceptable.

Final model

summary(model_log) %>% 
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 6.9709701 0.0706776 98.630532 0e+00
smoker1 1.5370576 0.0307293 50.019359 0e+00
children_group1 0.2263090 0.0250004 9.052215 0e+00
age 0.0347807 0.0008857 39.268460 0e+00
bmi 0.0103985 0.0020435 5.088614 4e-07

Decode the model estimates

Holding all other variable constant, smoking is associated with a 155% increase in insurance charges than non-smokers. Being older, higher body mass index, and having at least 1 children also increase insurance charges.

Predict your insurance premium

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